How to Celebrate Self-Love This Valentine’s Day

How to Celebrate Self-Love This Valentine’s Day

Choosing to be single has overcome the taboos of 90s tabloids and annoying relatives, and we’re here for it. Except we don’t call it being single. We call it choosing self-love. Here are a few tips on how to celebrate self-love in the tub this Valentine’s Day.

There are two types of people on Valentine’s Day, and it all depends on your stage in life. You may find yourself with a partner - casual, long-term, in the middle - and the holiday is something to look forward to. You’re probably making a dinner reservation or packing a picnic or reading up on our article on how to prepare for a steamy session in the bathroom.

On the flip side of that are those who are embracing self-love this year. Choosing to be single has overcome the taboos of 90s tabloids and annoying relatives, and we’re here for it. Except we don’t call it being single. We call it choosing self-love. Here are a few tips on how to celebrate self-love in the tub this Valentine’s Day.

Michelle Pfeiffer in What Lies Beneath

Set The Mood

Like any bathing ritual, we believe in setting the mood. Light a Plantable Candle and dim those lights. This is all about you, so transport yourself to a place that makes you feel confident and renewed. If you’re feeling a little frisky, go ahead and put on your favorite sexy playlist. Grab a beverage - wine, tea, lemon water, whatever feels right to you. Bring your water up to temperature - not too cool and not scalding hot. Choose all natural Bath Salts to infuse the water with nourishing ingredients and release a relaxing eucalyptus aroma into your bathroom.

Choose Your Journey

Are you going for the meditative route or are you feeling down for something a little more nsfw? Either way, the choice is up to you! This is your night, and no one can tell you what or how to do what makes you feel good.

Keeping It Chill

If you’re going the chill route and opting for a true wind down, don’t forget the essentials. Grab a book, movie or tv show that’ll keep you occupied throughout the night. And we’re all about snacks of all kinds. Do a little charcuterie board, if you’re exuding penthouse energy. Or, if you’re feeling a little indulgent, grab that pint of ice cream. You know what they say, “Ben and Jerry are always invited.” Love yourself through the things that bring you joy.

Don’t Be Shy

If you want to get out some pent up energy, self-pleasure is an important way to connect with yourself and also has some pretty amazing benefits. There’s no need to be shy about it! Masturbating has been proven to lower stress, relieve period pains and migraines, improve your sleep, and even boost cognitive function. Exploring your own body in the bath takes the experience up a notch. You can play with the water temperature or pressure and even bring toys into the equation. We love the sex toys from Smile Makers! They are completely safe to use in the water and offer lots of options for different kinds of stimulation.

Why Self-Love Is Important

We believing in celebrating self-love all year long. You don’t need a special occasion to give yourself permission to take a bath. In fact, you don’t need an excuse, period. Taking time for yourself through moments of self-indulgence is essential to our overall wellbeing. After all, “If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul

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